Chevra Kadisha of Florida 
Chabad Lubavitch

A division of Chabad of North Dade

                                                            Burial in Israel
Abraham the father of our people arranged for both his wife Sarah's and his own burial in what would become the first Jewish land purchase in the Holy Land.
Jacob, Joseph, and his descendants, who sojourned in Egypt, made their children swear to give them a proper Jewish burial and not to leave them in Egypt resting amongst strangers.

led his people out of slavery in Egypt. While doing this, he helped fulfill a promise G-d had made to Joseph that he could be buried in the Promised Land. Moses carried Joseph's bones out of Egypt and into the desert.  For that, Moses is an inspiration to Jews throughout the generations, from the time of the Patriarchs, Jews have dreamed of coming to the land of Israel in the fullness of their years, at the end of their days to be interred in its earth.

Our Sages
of blessed memory explained, ''Why did the Patriarchs prefer burial in the land of Israel? Because the deceased in the land of Israel are the first to come to life with the coming of Moshiach''. 

As a symbol of our oneness with Israel, Chevra Kadishas throughout our Diaspora have placed some soil from Israel into the casket so the body should be in contact with soil from the Holy Land. And they added another explanation as well: “All those who are buried in the land of Israel, it is as though they have been interred beneath the Altar.

Over the past few years, more and more Jews have purchased a burial plot in Israel for themselves and for their loved ones, as a sign for long life. In this way they also relieve their loved ones of the burden of having to take care of these matters when the time comes, and ensure their resting place until the End of Days when the dead shall be brought back to life.


Our Chevra Kadisha can help you to arrange for the purchase of grave locations throughout Israel, and in the planning of all the logistics involved.